
Invisalign Lifestyle

Hi there! I’ve been wearing Invisalign for over two years. During my Invalign journey, I stumbled upon a lot of questions I wish I knew when I started my journey. So let’s dive in and learn more about the Invisalign Lifestyle to help you get comfortable with your Invisalign braces!”


Why did I choose Invisalign?

The first and foremost reason to choose Invisalign is the fact that the braces are – more or less – invisible. I’m an adult (I’m 33 years old) and didn’t really look forward to wearing dental braces for the duration of my time.

A second reason I chose Invisalign is that my orthodontist told me it was actual quicker than other types of braces. This surprised me, because how can a few pieces of plastic be faster than real braces? Well, Invisalign sure works fine for me! I’m happy with my outcome so far, although it’s quite a journey.

Things haven’t always been easy. It puts quite some pressure on your dental hygiene routine and it comes with a lot of discomfort and social consequences (taking your aligners out and in your mouth when eating). But if you want to get nice teeth, you have to suffer the Invisalign consequences!

Invisalign blog

  • Sharp edges on Invisalign – file the sharp edges of aligners
    Each Invisalign aligner is distinct, designed to move your teeth gradually. But here’s the thing – some aligners hurt more than others. It’s not just the pressure on your teeth; it’s also about how the aligner fits in your mouth, including the sharp edges on Invisalign. Is it an option to file the sharp edges? … Read more
  • How Long Does Invisalign Treatment take? My Experience
    As a long-time user of Invisalign, I can tell you that it is the clear and discreet way to straighten your teeth without having to deal with metal brackets and wires. For years, I was self-conscious of my crooked smile and felt like I had no other option than traditional braces. Until one day, when … Read more
  • Finding the Right Orthodontist for Your Invisalign Procedure
    In my thirties, and a while back, I decided it was time to tackle my crooked teeth. Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “I wish my smile was a bit straighter”? Well, that was me every day. So, I took the plunge and chose Invisalign. It sounded like a cool, less noticeable … Read more
  • Quick Meals for Invisalign Wearers
    Eating with Invisalign is more complicated than it seems. Once you take your trays out to eat, the clock starts ticking. You want to savor your meal but also make sure that you put your trays back in quickly, because a 22-hour wear time is important for the effectiveness of Invisalign treatment. In this article, … Read more
  • Invisalign on bad teeth: is it possible?
    Welcome to Invisalign Lifestyle, a blog where, as a former Invisalign user, I share my experiences of living with these modern braces. Today, I focus on a frequently asked question: “Is Invisalign right for people with bad teeth?” Based on my experiences and information gathered over the years, I hope to shed some light on … Read more
  • Are Invisalign braces difficult to keep clean?
    Invisalign braces are a popular option for people who want to straighten their teeth without metal wiring and brackets. However, the clear plastic trays that hold the aligners can be difficult to keep clean and may cause tooth decay and other oral health problems if not properly maintained. Keep your teeth clean! People who use … Read more