Invisalign Treatment – how does it work?

After years of crooked teeth and feeling self-conscious about my smile, I decided to try out Invisalign. I knew the treatment process was a long one but I was excited at the thought of finally having straight teeth. Here’s an overview of what that process looked like for me.

Step 1: Consultation Appointment

The first step in the Invisalign treatment process was visiting a dentist or orthodontist for a consultation to determine if I was a good candidate for the treatment. During this appointment, they took X-rays, impressions of my teeth, and discussed my expectations and goals for the end result.

Step 2: Creating Your Customized Plan

Once it had been determined that I was indeed a good candidate for Invisalign, an individualized plan that met both my goals and budget were created by my orthodontist. This plan included how many aligners were needed to achieve the desired results as well as how long it would take before those results are seen.

Step 3: Getting Fitted For Aligners

After creating my plan, it was time to get fitted for my custom aligners. This involved getting impressions taken of my teeth which were then used to create the aligners specifically designed for me. It usually takes about two weeks for your first set of aligners to arrive after this fitting appointment is completed.

Step 4: Wearing Your Aligners

Once you have received your aligners, you can begin wearing them right away! It is important to remember that wearing your aligners 20-22 hours per day is essential in order to get the best results from Invisalign treatment. Additionally, regularly attending follow-up visits with your orthodontist or dentist is also crucial so they can monitor progress and adjust your plan if necessary. Although the treatment process may be lengthy, following these steps will help ensure you get the results you desire! Having gone through this process myself, all I can say is that it’s totally worth it. After going through all these steps, I now have straight teeth thanks to Invisalign and couldn’t be happier with the outcome.