Invisalign on bad teeth: is it possible?

Welcome to Invisalign Lifestyle, a blog where, as a former Invisalign user, I share my experiences of living with these modern braces. Today, I focus on a frequently asked question: “Is Invisalign right for people with bad teeth?” Based on my experiences and information gathered over the years, I hope to shed some light on this question.

The role of dental health in Invisalign treatment

An important aspect to consider before starting Invisalign is the health of your teeth. If you have cavities, it is crucial that they are treated first. Untreated cavities can cause problems during Invisalign treatment. Not only can the fit of the braces change as a cavity grows, but it is simply unhealthy to leave cavities untreated.

Creating space: pulling teeth

Sometimes it is necessary to pull teeth before starting Invisalign. This also happened in my case. Pulling teeth can create the necessary space for other teeth to move to their proper position. While this can sound daunting at first, it is often an essential step for a successful outcome.

Invisalign for crooked teeth: a perspective from my orthodontist

No matter how crooked your teeth may be, Invisalign is often a viable solution. This is what my orthodontist told me, and I’m glad I took her advice. It’s always worth scheduling an introductory consultation with an orthodontist who can educate you on the possibilities of Invisalign for your specific situation.

Conclusion: take the plunge

Invisalign can be a life-changing experience, even for those with challenging dental problems. I encourage anyone interested in Invisalign to meet with a specialist. With proper preparation and care, you, like me, can enjoy the benefits of beautiful and healthy teeth!

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