How Long Does Invisalign Treatment take? My Experience

As a long-time user of Invisalign, I can tell you that it is the clear and discreet way to straighten your teeth without having to deal with metal brackets and wires. For years, I was self-conscious of my crooked smile and felt like I had no other option than traditional braces. Until one day, when a friend told me about Invisalign! After researching more into it, I decided to try it out — and here’s what happened.

Every Invisalign journey is personal

My first step was to visit an orthodontist who specializes in Invisalign treatment. Through a series of x-rays and scans, they were able to create a comprehensive treatment plan for me. Based on the plan, my doctor explained that most patients finish their treatments within 24 months, though this can vary depending on the severity and complexity of each case.

I followed my treatment plan closely by wearing my aligners for at least 22 hours every day — only taking them out when eating fast Invisalign meals or cleaning — and making sure to switch them out every week as directed by my doctor. As time went by, I could feel the difference in how my teeth looked as they gradually shifted into place! Although there were times when I experienced some minor discomfort during the process, it was nothing compared to the pain caused by traditional braces.

So how long does it take? It depends!

Overall, my experience with Invisalign was very positive — not only did it help improve my confidence but it also taught me good oral hygiene habits along the way! My treatment lasted around 24 months from start to finish which is exactly what my doctor predicted before we started. So if you’re considering investing in Invisalign for yourself or someone else, know that you can expect results within 2 year (or less) depending on your individual case! Good luck!

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